Howdy bird lovers: The other day we had about 16 Eurasian Collared Doves show up at our box-type seed feeder. We really thought that was something, since we had never seen a Collared Dove until 2 years ago. This last Friday we had maybe 30-40 doves show up at the feeder. There were so many doves they had to wait in line up in the Mulberry trees above the feeder. We were gone yesterday ( bird photography) but the feeder was empty when we got home last night. I put about 1/2 gal of mixed seed in last night, at 0830 this AM we had maybe 50-75 doves come in and empty the feeder in about 20 minutes. Does anyone know where I can get a deal on mixed wild bird seed by the 50 lb. sack? I have got the place posted as a wild bird sanctuary but I think maybe I will apply for a Licensed Game Bird Club? What do you think? I did see an ad for a Rape seed farm for sale in Alberta. But it's really cold up there right now.